Jake and I had a one hour meeting via Skype to gain a better understanding of Youth Venture's project selection cycle, funding limitations, and schools that have established relationships with YV. So here are the details and logistics...
Target Age: 14-24.
Youth Venture provides youth with an initial start-up financial investment (up to 50,000 Baht or ~$1400 USD)
Support in all phases of the development and implementation of their social ventures:
- Outreach/Marketing - Posters/Brochures, PR mass-media campaign and through CSO
- Project Development - Online/Offline supports help youth develop ideas into Venture plans
- Selection Panel - Panelists evaluate Venture plans
- Venture Launch - Teams launch and receive seed funding, orientation, tools and consultancy support
- Capacity Building - Series of workshops offered from marketing to sustainability and project management
- Evaluation/Lesson-Learn - Evaluation and lesson learning workshop offered to help sustain/grow Venture
- Fellowship/Movement - Venture teams are connected through local and global events and the website.
Current project selection phase ends late January 2008.
Chosen theme for 2008 is the Environment, although another general template will be constructed for all other focuses. Newey is interested in a demonstration of our capabilities which is a bit challenging due to our lack of XOs. I'll look into the possibility of DSIL supporting this demo with their XO lot.